Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Instant Deletion

My daughter, a high school junior, is in the thick of college prep. She's taken the ACT (did great), and is scheduled to take the SAT soon. We're planning college visits, and she's trying to figure out the best courses to take her senior year in high school.

This also must be the time schools are in the thick of luring potential students to their colleges. Dozens of emails a day. The mail brings more and more postcards and fliers and brochures.

It's interesting to see what attracts her to a school, what inspires her to learn more about it. But I have to confess there are some emails she doesn't see.

Because I instantly delete them when they come in. Yeah, I admit it.

Like today. When a Seattle school sent something. Delete.

Why? Because Seattle is WAY too far away.

And before you think I'm a completely selfish mom (which, ahem, I am), I know Baby Girl doesn't want to go more than four hours away. I'm pretty sure a Seattle school would be an instant no from her, too. (Don't get me started on my thinking that four hours away might be too far, LOL.)

And okay, if she *really* wanted to go far away, I'd support that decision. After all, I want her to be happy. Thank goodness, so far, she has zero interest. She wants to be close to home (alleluia).

I am going to do my best to make this last year and a half with her at home go as slowly as possible--and to enjoy it as much as possible. But I'm also excited for what the future holds for her.

Ah, the joys of parenthood...


DreadTread: 28 long minutes, 1.5 miles


  1. Oh, but Seattle's THE BEST! I could take her under my wing for you, but agree with you that it is just way too far from Ohio.

    Way to go getting on the treadmill!

  2. Woo Hoo! You rode the dreadmill and 28 minutes..that's longer than what I do.

  3. Thanks, Kristin! The thing is, Baby Girl would *love* Seattle. We're definitely going to have to visit someday.

    Dru Ann, thank you! My shins aren't too happy with me. LOL.

  4. We filled a shoebox full of mailings! Now, he's applied, waiting to hear from some, accepted at two, and I'm still not really sure which is his favorite! No Seattle here either! He's sticking within 4 to 5 hours of home.
