Monday, September 12, 2011

The Title Decisions

Oh, the decisions.

I'm still trying to figure out titles to upcoming books. One for Lucy Valentine's next adventure, and one for my Nina Quinn novella, which will hopefully be out by Christmas.

For Lucy, I *think* I've finally decided on Perfectly Matched. In addition to the whole matchmaking theme, the main plot revolves around an arsonist who leaves matches at the scenes of the crimes, so the "Matched" really plays two roles in the story. Now to just write the story...

I'm still up in the air about the Nina titles. The story takes place at Christmastime, and Nina has undertaken an indoor makeover at Christmastowne. And of course there's a murder. Mr. and Mrs. Claus are involved, and Riley's an elf, and it's been SO fun to revisit these characters. But I'm kind of stuck on that title. I'm torn between two (but am open to more suggestions if you have any!). Wreathed in Trouble and Trouble under the Tree. I'm really leaning toward Trouble under the Tree, since the body is found under a giant Christmas tree. Of course, it doesn't help at all that the Nina titles have to have the word "Trouble" and some sort of gardening/landscaping term with it--it's harder than it seems to come up a likable combination!

What do you think? Like one more than the other?


  1. Oooh, I like Wreathed in Trouble!

  2. I like Trouble under the Tree! Can't wait to see Nina again! Go, Heather!

  3. There's also Pining for Trouble as an option, though "Pining" sounds a bit like romance to me instead of being about a pine tree. :)

  4. I like both, but I like "Wreathed in Trouble" better. And the title for the Lucy Valentine book is perfect.

  5. I love the Lucy title, especially based on the subject of the book.

    Based on the premise of the Nini book, Trouble under the Tree would probably be a better fit. However, if you're just looking for something that would catch someone's eye, I think Wreathed in Trouble might be a better choice. Just looking at the two titles, that one caught my attention better.

  6. I like the sound of Wreathed in Trouble but Trouble Under the Tree works better for the story and will be very eye catching if the cover art includes a nice Christmas tree.

  7. I love Perfectly Matched and the plot sounds interesting too. Can't wait till it comes out! My vote for the Nina title would be Trouble Under the Tree.I'm excited for this one too!

  8. Love the title of the Lucy Valentine book and my vote is for Trouble Under the Tree.

  9. Ditto the last couple of comments! LOVE both the premise and title PERFECTLY MATCHED! Just hearing that little snippet of the story line is making my giddy. I also like TROUBLE UNDER THE TREE. Cute, Christmasy, and fits the story, too.
