Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Deadline + head cold = I haven't been online in days.

I finally finished Absolutely, Positively late yesterday. So, so happy it's done and with the way it turned out. I had two new characters suddenly appear near the end of the book who demanded page time. Love when my story surprises me, but wish these revelations had come, oh, a month ago.

After finishing, I had to run some errands, and while I was gone my husband not only went out and bought flowers for me (the prettiest purple tulips) and a sweet card, but also cleaned the whole kitchen. Is it any wonder I love that man?

Which reminds me (you'll see why) -- I'm blogging today over at Fresh Fiction about love at first sight. Do you believe in it? Come on by and say hi.

I have over 300 emails (mostly from writing loops) to sort through, so if you've written to me in the last couple of days, you'll hear from me soon. I promise.



  1. Congrats on finishing your manuscript and I hope you're feeling better.

    Going over to Fresh Fiction now.

    Have a good Wednesday.

  2. Head colds are the worst especially if you're trying to get anything done. Hope you're feeling better.

    Sounds like "Absolutely, Positively" will have some twists and turns in it. Congratulations on finishing it.

  3. you lend him out? Not for husband-y type things, and although I adore purple I'd even pass on the flowers.....but that cleaning the kitchen bit kinda caught my attention.....

    Feel better and congrats on finishing!!


  4. Woohoo on finishing! I can't wait to read it!

  5. Congrats on finishing. I've been battling a head cold fun. Hope you feel much better really soon!

  6. I don't want to register to comment over there, so I'll say here that I absolutely believe in love at first sight! It happened to me the moment I met my fella. I just knew that he was the one. We've been married almost four years now!

    Congrats on finishing the book! I know it'll be great. :)

  7. Thanks, Dru! It's good to be done.

    MC, you're right--it made it harder. Medication helped--esp the Sudafed. Clear sinuses + wide awake at 2 AM. :)

    Chana, he does the laundry too. I know, I'm too lucky for words. I'm feeling better today--so hopefully tomorrow will be completely better.

    Thank you, Jessica. AP *should* be out in Feb. '11. I think the books are scheduled every six months.

    Thank you, Linda. I hope you feel better soon--head colds are just a nuisance.

    MM, I had to register this morning! One more password to keep track of. That love at first sight thing is hard to explain, isn't it? Congrats to you and your fella.

  8. Very sweet husband. He must be a young (for me that's under 40). My husband is 53 and one of the few men of his age that ever helped out with the raising of the kids, diapers, housecleaning, laundry etc. He's a cranky ol'guy but he's always been more than 50% with anything to do with the kids and house. A rarity with men from the 60' and 70's.

    Glad you are getting over your cold-it's been bad for people this year, with relapses etc. - take care.
